Back On TRack

a comprehensive Program for managing chronic back pain

Back on track workshop in may 2023

Our Back on Track program now available in three levels of personalized instruction

Our goal is to give each participant several strategies to help manage chronic back pain, improve their fitness without regressing pain, and live a more active lifestyle

The back on track program is an exercise and education curriculum for people with chronic back conditions.  This program is designed to transition you from acute medical care and/or helping you to better manage a chronic back problem. 

The back on track program will help you develop a more balanced body, while increasing core strength, flexibility, posture and spinal stability.  In addition you will gain a understanding of better movement strategies to spare excessive back tension throughout your day.


  • Increased Core Strength

  • Improve Mobility To Minimize Stress To The Spine

  • Improvement On Body Mechanics and Postural Habits

  • Education On Workplace And Home Ergonomics

  • Our Concept Of Individualized “Movement Hygiene”

  • Strategies For Ongoing Self Management

  • Direct Communication With Your Medical Provider


Our proven process can help you move beyond pain and live a more active life!

  • THE BACK WHISPERER! I'm in my mid-30s, busy business owner / Team Nutritionist for the Chicago Bulls. Back pain has always been something I struggled with due to a lack of strength, a car accident about 7 years ago, and overall lack of movement (sitting so much!). For years, I'd do strength training with a personal trainer, but then my back would flare up after a couple weeks, and I would have to completely stop. I finally got sick of that cycle when even walking for 30 minutes would be uncomfortable. With the recommendation of my colleague at the Chicago Bulls, I went all in on pilates.

    I've worked with Shane 3x a week for the last 9 months. He has been able to personalize my movement journey so that I never took any steps backwards. I was only making progress on strength and managing structural/muscular issues. He was intentional and calculated in every exercise he put me through and in what order he would do it. I've never experienced that much attention to detail (and consequently, RESULTS) from a personal trainer.

    I've already referred him to my contacts in professional sports because of his solid education and background, friendly and professional personality, and ability to individualize his clients' unique movement journeys. Most importantly, he's helped me finally be able to move well :) Thank you, Shane!

    -Jenny W

    Shane has had a significant positive impact on my post-back-surgery body, and I strongly recommend him.

    Prior to surgery, I was very active. I worked-out five days a week lifting weights and doing cardio. After I had the back surgery (Microdisectomy L4/L5), I completed six weeks of physical therapy, but I was far from fully recovered. I was scared and depressed that my body would never be the same and that I would have to give up my love of fitness. I needed to find someone who could help me with post-rehab recovery, and I searched for someone with expertise in spinal rehab and core conditioning. An acquaintance referred me to Shane, who I started seeing approximately 5-1/2 months after the surgery.

    Shane noted my new fear of my body and of hurting myself again, and he assured me that this would be a process leading to a program that would be specific to my injury and my lifestyle. Shane has a very patient, calm demeanor. Happily, the progress he has helped me achieve is unbelievable. My core is stronger than it has ever been. I have received several compliments on my posture since training with him. He also has helped me become more aware of my body alignment and helped me gain back my confidence. Due to my lifestyle, I still have some days where I experience some back discomfort, but it is reassuring to know that my weekly session with Shane seems to get my body back on track.

    I have been seeing Shane for about a year and a half, and my results have been amazing. I have my strength and range of motion back. I am grateful to work with Shane, who has helped me obtain results that I could not have achieved by myself.

    -Wendy P

    Shane is a seasoned professional in the field of rehabilitative fitness, pilates, and wellness. I have worked with Shane for over six months to build core strength after being diagnosed with a herniated L5/S1 disc and strongly recommended to get serious about core training by my spine doctor. In this six month period, Shane has worked me from the basics of pilates/core strengthening to more complex fitness training/pilates while significantly increasing core strength and decreasing pain associated with my herniated disc. Far beyond basic fitness training/core strengthening, Shane has also taught me a great deal about how to be more in tune with my body to minimize injury and maximize awareness of capabilities. Josh

    I have a movement disorder after surgery and fibromyalgia. After physical therapy I couldn’t do a regular exercise class and Shane has been a lifesaver to be able to help me strengthen and decrease pain. Highly recommend MovementMed!!

    - Melissa G

  • This is our most comprehensive approach to helping you. The Gold package includes:

    1 Physical therapy evaluation

    2 Private sessions a week for 2 months

    Followed by

    1 Private a session for 2 months

    4 60 minute clinical massages

    Ergonomics assessments home/work

    free ( $300 value)

    Personalized video library

    Free ( $140 value)

    Coaching and support

    Total Cost $3,000

  • Slightly scaled down from our gold package but with the essentials you need in a monthly package

    1 Physical therapy evaluation

    2 Private sessions a week

    2 60 minute clinical massage

    Ergonomics assessment work

    free ( $150 value)

    Personalized video library

    Free ( $35 monthly value)

    Coaching and support

    First month $1,230

    Then $1,050 a month after

  • Back on Track: Class specific to individuals with chronic back pain
    This 30 day program will give participants several strategies to help manage chronic back pain, improve fitness without regressing into pain, and work towards living a more active lifestyle.  Areas of focus
    Posture, positional faults, and movement
    Mobility exercises and progressions
    Core strength exercises and progressions
    Movement techniques to minimize flare ups
    Mind/Body techniques for managing pain
    and more..
    Friday 7am.             Oct 11, Oct 18, Oct 25, Nov 1
    Tuesday Noon        Oct 15, Oct 22, Oct 29, Nov 5

    4 class package $260


Should you Have additional questions about the Back on Track Program or steady Steps Program, Please Contact us Below